Discount Grocery Items

Follow Us:. Manage MyDisney Account. Save big at discount grocery stores ktrk. HOUSTON There are a handful of salvage stores in Houston. We are going to warn you - if you love traditional grocery stores for their great atmosphere and slick packaging, then these stores are probably not for you.

However, if you love the idea of getting you groceries at rock bottom prices, then you may have hit the jackpot.

Ruby Ford and Lashanda Wade are watching every penny. I get fruit, soda, water," said Ford. A salvage grocery store specializes in selling off products sent back to the grocery warehouse by a store or excess inventory sold to a liquidator by a manufacturer.

While there are plenty of items that are scratched and dented, many items are undamaged and sold because they're out of date or close to expiration date.

Take for example these Sunkist fruit cups. Their "use by date" is a couple of weeks away so they were sold to Houston Discount Sales for a fraction of the cost. So what kind of stuff will you find at salvage grocery stores?

of Jimmy Poole's Discount Groceries. Over at Jimmy Poole's Discount Groceries, Maria Soto is on the hunt for a good deal. Because the salad dressing label is slightly ripped, it's on salvage. The former bank executive used to make six figures a year but when the economy tanked, she lost her job.

I just bought what I needed, but now I have to budget," said Soto. That why she shops at Poole's. Just keep in mind whatever is here today, may be gone tomorrow. This post may contain affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy here.

Looking to find a bargain on groceries? We shop in a variety of ways. Every time I go on vacation I first look up all the discount grocery stores that will be in the area we are going to so we can visit them!

After having been to discount grocery stores in multiple states over the past 15 years, I know a thing or two about shopping at them and how to find the best deals!

Maybe to you, it hardly looks like a place to shop! Take your time. Google defines a surplus store as: A surplus store sells items that are used, or purchased but unused, and no longer needed. I find this statement to be the exact opposite!

The items in a surplus store are new, and they are needed; you need them! Most of the groceries come from stores or from warehouses. Maybe the warehouse dropped a pallet while stacking it. There is typically nothing wrong with the items; they just simply got rejected by the regular store for some reason or another.

Recalled Products? They will never be recalled products as those get destroyed at the original store not sent to another store. Dented Cans? Most of the time the answer is no.

Look at the cans before you put them in your cart. Did the dent in the can go all the way through the metal? Does the top or bottom of the can pop when you push on it?

Out-Of Date Items? Well, let me ask you this…when was the last time you went through your entire pantry or medicine cabinet and checked out the dates of each thing before you used it? We eat outdated things all the time and never give it a second thought.

Most items last for long after the date on the box or can has passed. Canned items last for years. Crackers and chips are good for months. Check the date before you buy it, and if it seems a reasonable amount of time, go ahead and get it.

Usually, outdated items are even cheaper than regular surplus store prices, so the cost is next to nothing.

The fun thing with discount grocery stores is that you never know what you are going to find! You might come out with nothing or maybe with an entire cart full! We put them in the freezer and are still eating them up! Some surplus stores have discount groceries only.

Some have freezer and fridge sections filled with discount groceries along with shelf stable groceries. Some have bulk re-packaged foods. And some even have household goods as well. There were new products every time! Some people are extremely picky when it comes to a dented can or box.

First, check to make sure no seals are broken. Make sure there is nothing leaking from the can or any funny colors around the dent or seal. If somehow a seal has been broken, bacteria could get into the can and make you very sick. Also, make sure the can is not bulging in any funny way. Plus, most surplus stores have quite a few products that are not even food.

Many have everything from over-the-counter meds to paper towels! Make sure before you go that you will have plenty of time to look around. go down one aisle at a time. Even if you come back in the next day, the selection will have changed! Just like in my story above. I encourage you in the next week to scout out and visit your local surplus stores.

Visit them often; their inventory will change all the time, so if there is something there that you might use in the future, get it.

I also buy things for my family members, who have even less time to shop there than I do. Take your time, know your prices, and you will be ready to shop.

With surplus stores, you never know what kind of treasures you might find! Post them in the comments! Merissa has been blogging about and living the simple life since and has internationally published 2 books on the topic. You can send her a message any time from the Contact Page. This blog post about Shopping at a Discount Grocery Store was originally posted on Little House Living in July It has been updated as of December Support Little House Living by Sharing This.

Your email address will not be published. Hey Merissa, Where here in the RC area is this surplus store that has food items that you mentioned in the article above?

Thanks, CKay K. In Belle Fourche. The other store I mentioned in this article is in Colorado: There is also a great little one in Wyoming. We used to have one about 10 miles from us and now we have to go 60 miles to the nearest one. We have an Amish-run place like this near us and the prices are so good.

That is a total stock up price for me! I bought 14 jars. luv this! i do the same with Goodwills! Hope u have a second to check mine out! Some of the things they sell are absolutely terrible! Their pet food is horrid, and I felt awful when I opened the cans and bags and saw how nasty it looked.

Some of the non-perishables are a decent buy, but in general the quality stinks. I could save a decent amount by shopping there but half the stuff would be nearly unusable. I miss Robbs! Here in Central PA, I am lucky to have one small and two large discount grocery outlets within a 30 mile radius.

I typically stop at the closest 12 miles a couple of times a month. Grocery Outlet I think it used to be called Canned Good Outlet. can be found in a lot of places in CA, ID, OR, WA, Nevada. Have food, produce, cleaning supplies, gifts, toiletries.

I have found some amazing deals on stuff…including health food and gluten free stuff. Watch for expired food — usually in the perishable, BUT for the most part I have not run into this. Used to live in Kansas City and 2 of THE BEST outlet stores are there.

Cargo Largo Independence, MO and Bargain Factory Grandview, MO. I think Bargain Factory is also in Leavenworth, KS.

Just keep in mind whatever is here today, may be gone tomorrow. Here is a list of Houston area discount grocery stores: Houston Discount Sales Top 10 Best Discount Grocery Store in Houston, TX - February - Yelp - Foodarama Market, Joe V's Smart Shop, Central City Co-Op, 99 Ranch Market 1. Know your prices before you shop. 2. Again. Know your prices! 3. Don't be afraid of a dented box or can. 4. Don't think you can only get


Discount Store Shopping Finding Deals too good to pass up!

Discount Grocery Items - Best Discount Grocery Stores in the U.S. · 1. Sam's Club · 2. Costco · 3. Aldi · 4. Walmart · 5. Smart & Final · 6. Food4Less · 7. Publix · 8. Family Just keep in mind whatever is here today, may be gone tomorrow. Here is a list of Houston area discount grocery stores: Houston Discount Sales Top 10 Best Discount Grocery Store in Houston, TX - February - Yelp - Foodarama Market, Joe V's Smart Shop, Central City Co-Op, 99 Ranch Market 1. Know your prices before you shop. 2. Again. Know your prices! 3. Don't be afraid of a dented box or can. 4. Don't think you can only get

Support Little House Living by Sharing This. Your email address will not be published. Hey Merissa, Where here in the RC area is this surplus store that has food items that you mentioned in the article above?

Thanks, CKay K. In Belle Fourche. The other store I mentioned in this article is in Colorado: There is also a great little one in Wyoming. We used to have one about 10 miles from us and now we have to go 60 miles to the nearest one. We have an Amish-run place like this near us and the prices are so good.

That is a total stock up price for me! I bought 14 jars. luv this! i do the same with Goodwills! Hope u have a second to check mine out! Some of the things they sell are absolutely terrible!

Their pet food is horrid, and I felt awful when I opened the cans and bags and saw how nasty it looked. Some of the non-perishables are a decent buy, but in general the quality stinks. I could save a decent amount by shopping there but half the stuff would be nearly unusable.

I miss Robbs! Here in Central PA, I am lucky to have one small and two large discount grocery outlets within a 30 mile radius. I typically stop at the closest 12 miles a couple of times a month. Grocery Outlet I think it used to be called Canned Good Outlet.

can be found in a lot of places in CA, ID, OR, WA, Nevada. Have food, produce, cleaning supplies, gifts, toiletries. I have found some amazing deals on stuff…including health food and gluten free stuff.

Watch for expired food — usually in the perishable, BUT for the most part I have not run into this. Used to live in Kansas City and 2 of THE BEST outlet stores are there.

Cargo Largo Independence, MO and Bargain Factory Grandview, MO. I think Bargain Factory is also in Leavenworth, KS. these places have food, clothing, books, etc.

Some people really like this place. I have used a place called Fat Wallet where they give codes for particular bargains. I found an incredible deal once on a computer and also on a pancake compressor and nail gun for my husband.. that was a snafoo discount deal on Amazon where they had a misprint and I got in on the deal before they corrected it.

All my husbands contractors friends were SO impressed 🙂. One of the places we go to shop and they are open all year is our local farmers market….

I cleaned it and cut it up so we can use it and it filled two 1 gallon zip lock bags. First I would like to say that I love going to my local amish store.

Try them and if you like it and it is a great price go back in and stock up! There is no sense in stocking up on something that you might not like. There are 3 that I can think of in my area. I relied heavily on these types of stores when I was a struggling single mama.

I was able to make my money stretch a lot further and my kids had cool stuff in their lunches for school. I need to seriously revisit them, been forever since I went to one. I love shopping at many different kinds of stores. All major canned food labels have a white or black label. You just have to do some research to find out where they are located.

If you find a certain can or package of food doesnt tastes good—avoid that one and try a different one. But if you do the majority of them you will save lots of money. I was able to buy a brand new car 7 years ago because I was able to shop discount foods and feed my family of 5 for way less for several years —-than if I was a brand name food snob.

In these hard times it makes sense to save money where you can. Just try it. If you want to know where discount grocery stores are around your area, check out our map. We want to add other types of stores soon as well. If you like what we are doing please share it with your friend and family. I love salvage groceries!

My favorite one is 10 minutes from my parents house, so I plan to shop there when I go home to visit. We get fantastic bargains. We lived five minutes away from one in Pa.

They have a counter with lunch meat and cheese that they slice however much you want while you wait. The prices are more than half of the amount per pound of what we pay where we live now in Delaware.

When we go back home, we stock up and freeze them in several bags for when we need it. They always have so many other things including fresh fruits and vegetables, bagged nuts and seeds, homemade baked goods and bulk pasta.

It is almost like going to a regular grocery store, but with so much lower prices. I wish they would open a store where we live now so their good would be available all the time. I have shopped at surplus stores…and have found GREAT deals… it does take quite a bit of time to shop there and is quite a distance so I rarely do it anymore.

My favorite type of surplus store is a Mennonite store… but again, they are a long ways away. Good info. Probably silly especially when I read the bit about expiry dates.

I had visited one surplus store in my area, but it was recently moved to another area. I enjoy buying from then, but right now is too far. Just found this post. Fortunately, there is a Grocery Outlet Bargain Market very close to where I live and I shop there frequently. Another place that I like to shop for bulk items is the Food Service stores — they used to be called Cash and Carry in my area.

They are designed primarily for restaurants and community kitchens but anyone can shop there. They have the really large bulk items like beans, rice, flour, etc. I always thought that these stores were a great idea.

Unfortunately that store closed down and the building was torn down to make way for an expensive condo unit. We do have another bargain buy type place in the south edge of the city but it is run as a large warehouse and they only let a certain number of people in the store at a time and you are only given a certain amount of time to shop.

Not a fun experience. Not worth it for me to make the trip. Hey, that picture is of the store I use, Mischlers!

My family has gone there for 30 plus years. It is reasonable and very popular. Skip to content This post may contain affiliate links. Table of Contents Toggle.

Previous Previous. Save big at discount grocery stores ktrk. HOUSTON There are a handful of salvage stores in Houston. We are going to warn you - if you love traditional grocery stores for their great atmosphere and slick packaging, then these stores are probably not for you.

However, if you love the idea of getting you groceries at rock bottom prices, then you may have hit the jackpot.

Ruby Ford and Lashanda Wade are watching every penny. I get fruit, soda, water," said Ford. A salvage grocery store specializes in selling off products sent back to the grocery warehouse by a store or excess inventory sold to a liquidator by a manufacturer.

While there are plenty of items that are scratched and dented, many items are undamaged and sold because they're out of date or close to expiration date. Take for example these Sunkist fruit cups.

Their "use by date" is a couple of weeks away so they were sold to Houston Discount Sales for a fraction of the cost. So what kind of stuff will you find at salvage grocery stores? of Jimmy Poole's Discount Groceries.

Over at Jimmy Poole's Discount Groceries, Maria Soto is on the hunt for a good deal. Because the salad dressing label is slightly ripped, it's on salvage.

The former bank executive used to make six figures a year but when the economy tanked, she lost her job. I just bought what I needed, but now I have to budget," said Soto. That why she shops at Poole's. Just keep in mind whatever is here today, may be gone tomorrow. Here is a list of Houston area discount grocery stores: Houston Discount Sales Little York Houston, TX www.

com Poole's Bargain Corner Homestead Houston, TX Groceries and More Longpoint Houston, TX Capital Sales Damaged Freight Almeda Rd Houston, TX The New Salvage Center Navigation Blvd Houston, TX

Money-Saving Hacks: 9 Ways to Buy Discount Groceries Sign up. Think of these like generic drugs — they Djscount have the same Discount Condiment Prices and iDscount ingredients as major brands, but at a Geocery of Discount Grocery Items cost. Discount meal plans Cans? Among the cheapest staples are dried and canned beans — they're also easy to prepare and provide a great source of plant-based protein and fiber, two very important nutrients that are often only available in more costly foods. Buy: Hot sauce. Grains like brown rice and oatmeal also score high in cost-effectiveness and nutrition. On a plant-based diet?

By Voramar

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